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Partner Raúl J. Chacón Jr. Quoted in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Article About the Jones Act of 1920
May 6, 2020


MG+M Partner and the leader of MG+M’s Maritime Litigation Group Raúl J. Chacón Jr. recently contributed to the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin’s article on the history of the Jones Act, its role in protecting seamen, and the evolution of safety on waterways. Raúl, who has litigated Jones Act claims around the country, discussed the value of arbitration in the context of Jones Act litigation. In addition to resolving Jones Act claims more efficiently and expeditiously, arbitration eliminates the need to educate jurors who may not be familiar with boats, ships, and the work done on them. Raúl also noted that arbitration removes the sympathy factor that plaintiff’s attorneys can sometimes create among jurors.

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