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Delaware Corporate Litigation


MG+M represents a wide range of businesses and boards of directors in critical corporate and business litigation. We have deep experience in disputes involving mergers and acquisitions, governance and breach of fiduciary duty issues, securities class actions, books and records inspections, demands for indemnification and advancement, appraisals, insurance coverage, and ERISA “stock drop” issues.

Powerful advocates in Delaware and beyond
Our attorneys have been on the front lines of many of the most significant corporate cases in Delaware history—cases with billions of dollars and industry-shaping mergers at stake. Drawing on this experience, we guide you through every stage of litigation, using our knowledge of local laws, courts, and counsel to resolve disputes quickly and successfully. Because the Delaware courts are a key source of precedent for corporate governance decisions nationwide, we are well positioned to counsel clients wherever disputes arise.

A strong corporate team
When you work with MG+M, our full complement of resources is at your disposal. Your litigation team will be customized to bring together attorneys with the best knowledge of your business, your legal issues, and your jurisdiction. We will communicate with you frequently and openly throughout your matter, from intake through resolution.

Related Practices


  • Represented a gaming technology company and its board of directors, in convincing the Delaware Court of Chancery to deny a request to enjoin client’s $18.9 billion business combination with a mass media conglomerate.

  • Successfully defended a prominent asset manager in litigation against plaintiffs challenging the redemption of certain auction rate securities.

  • Represented a global automobile manufacturer in litigation filed by the CEO of a private holding company and other shareholders in the District of Delaware relating to the merger of automotive entities.